810 North Tyler Rd
Wichita, KS 67212
FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED • Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am - 5:30pm • Sat: 9am - 1pm • Sun: Closed

Automotive Q & A


Question: Why do brake rotors need to be replaced?

Answer: When brake pads are compressed against the rotor, the friction created stops the vehicle. This friction eventually wears not only the brake pads, but also the rotor. Rotors develop wear patterns from the brake pads over time. When a worn brake pad is replaced, rotors need to be machined smooth to remove the wear patterns. A rotor can be machined smooth only so many times before it is worn too much. Each rotor must have a certain width, which is inscribed on the rotor, and if the rotor is too worn, it must be replaced. Over time, rotors can also develop heat cracks and other damage.

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GK Tire & Auto in Wichita, KS

Let GK Tire & Auto lead the way on your next automotive service or tire purchase. We're a local tire dealer and independent auto repair shop in Wichita, KS. Come to us for brand name tires at competitive prices. Our inventory includes giants like Bridgestone, Firestone, and Fuzion. In addition to the professional auto repair services we provide, we work on commercial vehicles through our fleet services. Join drivers across Wichita, Goddard, and Maize in choosing GK Tire & Auto when you need dedicated automotive work from a committed team.

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Phone: (316) 729-7822
Address: 810 North Tyler Road
Wichita, KS 67212

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